Week 4: Conversation with a Classmate- Cesar Torres


It was hilarious how my friend “Calexico” and I approached Cesar because as he was standing talking or listening to the artist “Calexico” just screams his name out very loud, causing Cesar to look in a confused way because he didn’t know anyone in class and because he was also busy trying to interview the artist. We asked him if it was ok to ask him a couple questions and he said it was fine. I asked him where he lives and Cesar said he lives in Huntington Beach. He is a second year studying the field of Criminal Justice just like myself. As we were talking, I found out I have him for one of my major class because we talked about what classes we are taking and professors, and we both realized we had each other for that class. My friend “Calexico” that is in the picture also has the same class so it will be very useful to have study groups and help each other out. I asked Cesar if CSULB was his first choice and he said he was stuck between ASU and CSULB because they are both really good universities but he obviously ended up choosing CSULB (GO BEACH!). I asked Cesar where does he see himself in 10 years and he responded,” I see myself graduated, with a stable career and living in my own home/apartment.” Lastly, I asked Cesar if he thinks art is important or if it matter and he said it definitely matters because it gives people an opportunity to be someone and most importantly be themselves because it of the constraints of society. It was fun socializing and meeting someone new with the same field of study because we can relate and interact with one another. Hopefully this is not the last time “Calexico” and I Interact with Cesar. Don’t mind my sister in the back, she was trying to ruin our picture. Anyway she is fun to interview so if anyone wants to talk to her and converse go ahead she is amazing.

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